Dr. Sandhya S. Visweswariah

Grant Category: Fulbright-Nehru Senior Research Scholar
Field of Specialization: Biochemistry; Cell Biology
Name: Dr. Sandhya S. Visweswariah
Official Address and Designation: Professor
Department of Molecular Reproduction, Development and
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560 012
Telephone (O): 91-80-22932542/23601522  
E-mail: sandhya@mrdg.iisc.ernet.in
Duration of Grant: Six Months
Project Title: The importance of cyclic nucleotide signaling in the biology and pathogenesis of M. tuberculosis
Abstract of Project :
Most of the proteins involved in cyclic AMP metabolism in mycobacteria were described for the first time in the Visweswariah laboratory, and their characterization has revealed their unique properties. The research in the U.S. will examine the roles of the enzymes in the biology of mycobacteria by creating gene knock outs of these proteins in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and stud the properties of these mutant bacteria in the mouse model of infection as well as in macrophages. Should the bacteria be compromised in their pathogenic potential, some of the proteins could be the targets of novel therapeutics for treatment of tuberculosis.

Academic Background :
Ph.D. Biochemistry Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 1987
M.Sc. Chemistry IIT Kanpur 1980
B.Sc. Botany, Chemistry, Zoology Osmania University, Hyderabad 1977
Professional Background :
Professor Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 2005-till date
Associate Professor Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 1999-2005
Assistant Professor Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 1993-1999
Scientist AstraZeneca, Bengaluru 1987-1993
Dr. Sandhya S. Visweswariah